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A night in the desert

Explored a number of places over a whirlwind weekend in Arizona.  One stop was an abandoned rest stop, under a full moon.

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Silly Perch

was looking to visit the hq, but found a nifty, if not sketchy, place to snap.

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Night With the Ninjas

Testing my first blog with a few images from a night with the incredible lady ninjas 3.

We had a fun late night playing with light paint and long exp.
I had a couple new light sticks, and my sexy Duluth firehose workpants.
As you can see.. I stayed warm, rip-free, and ladies couldn’t stop checking out my derrière.

Despite their appearance and lack of maintenance, those trailers are still owned.
Security guy for nearby bldg got a little nervous, sweated us a few times.
(dude, stick to your job…)

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